Homemade Peanut Butter!

who doesnt love love love the smell of roasting peanuts?
Especially when they are roasting just to be made into a delightful homemade peanutbutter! yum.

I have no exact recipe for this one, its kind of just you add to taste and to get the right texture... but the only ingredients are peanuts (I use salted cocktail peanuts and roast them til dark brown in the oven), honey and oil (peanut, veggie or canola oil will do)! Then just put it all in the food processor and yay! homemade peanut butter! (Oh, and I don't usually refrigerate mine, it tends to make it hard... sometimes)

2 munchies:

Dragon said...

I love the darker colour of homemade peanut butter. It looks so creamy. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Mmm homemade peanut butter is unbeatable. Infinitely better than store bought, but that doesn't even need to be said, does it?