my luscious chewy && ever so popular caramel squares.

divine goodness. Would you believe that they are milk free?! Im allergic to milk (but can eat butter) and I created this recipe to be enjoyed by all!

These are fabulously chewy caramel squares that can be topped with almost anything. Here i've topped them with cashews, cranberry nut balls, sliced almonds and a delicious toasted coconut mixture (bottom pic)!!


13 munchies:

kelly! said...


Lyvvie said...

My daughter is allergic to milk. Any chance you'll share the recipes?

Jeanine - The Baking Beauties said...

These look amazing! Very yummy indeed!

Danielle said...

Um, where's the recipe?! You can't taunt us like that and not at least let us attempt to make these for ourselves. I have no doubt mine will look nothing like yours but I'd like to give it the old schoolgirls try!

Joe said...

Recipe pleeeeeeease!

Katy said...

these look so great! elegant AND delicious! and i join in the begging for a recipe!

Ashley said...

those look absolutely Divine!

Y said...

Looks lovely, especially the cashew topped one!

Cheryl A said...

Ohhhh, these look so good...even Rachel Ray would say "yummo"! The bottom layer looks like nougat. Please share the recipe...I would love to try these. Thank you in advance.

Leslie said...

Oh my word! These are heaven o a plate!!

Anonymous said...

Great ! I would like some ! So yummy...

Dragon said...

These are so delicate and elegant. So stunning!

Pud said...

Your caramel squares look so beautiful! Could I please have the recipe? Thank you in advance.